Northerly Circuit

Chicago Northerly Circuit

As T-Race Chicago Northerly Circuit is a global race challenge for all small electric vehicles.

Chicago Northerly Circuit is a classic short track a little over 300 meters long, designed to 
cover as many skill sets as possible.

Set up the track and timing system, and race yourself, your mates or all riders from around the world.

The track is stadadized so we can compare laptimes from a distant.

You can report your times to the T-race team, to get your name on the list. 

Top 5 Ranking - Skate

1. Mario Chacon, USA


2. Morgan Brady, USA


3. Brandon Torgerson, USA


4. Tas Ventouras, AUS


5. Jeff Cameron, AUS


Chicago - Main List - Counter Clock wise

Chicago Clock wise

Track layout

All dimensions referencing a center line and an origin on the middle left side of this image.