Timing Systems

Timing your self around the T-Race track makes it so much more fun and interesting. Though a handheld stopwatch is sufficient to get your times on the list, a proper timing system is recommended. 

Here are three systems that have been thoroughly testet and works great. They all have their strengts and weaknesses but are all capable of delivering reliable lap times. 


LapTracker is an app on your phone. It uses the camera to detect when you pass it. It’s a very cheap option, and shows to be really usable and reliable.

It’s a single rider solution and there can’t be anyone else on the track. Unfortunately it looks like it is only available on iOS. 


RaceChrono is an app on your phone. It works with external gps, that feed the app with data. It’s important that the gps updates at least 6 times a second to get precise timing. 

You can use your action camera if it got gps. For example newer GoPros have gps that updates 15 or more times a second. 

Metr pro with external gps, should also work with RaceChrone. 

Your phones gps only updates once a second, which is to little to get usable timing.

RaceChrono is a fantastic personal timing system. You can pull a lot of data that’s fun to analyze.


This is a great multi rider timing solution. It consists of a lap counter you put beside the track, and then every rider has their own transponder mounted on their vehicle. 

This is a good solution if you are more people on the track, or you want to have a timing system for events so you can time other people. But can be used as a personal timing solution with an easy setup. 

The system is small and easy to set up, and can be taken anywhere. 

Read more about the three timing system here, where they are describe in much more detail. 

LapTracker interface

